Chris Dedman-Rollet
~ Per Astra Ad Astra ~

Pseudocode & Flowchart in Programming!


In programming, we use an algorithm to determine a clearly defined set of commands used to accomplish a specific task. Two things are important to make your life easier; Pseudocode and flowchart.


A flowchart is a diagram that shows a sequence of steps using standardized shapes such as rectangles to represent actions, rhombuses to represent decisions, and arrows to show algorithm flow. It can also be defined as a step-by-step approach to solving a task. It shows the steps as boxes of different types, and their order by connecting the boxes with arrows.


A pseudocode is a written set of instructions that follow a certain structure. It looks more like code, but cannot be executed by a computer. Once you have written the pseudocode, the algorithm can then be coded in any programming language you want, using the same pseudocode.

Why use pseudocode?

  • Since computer scientists may work alongside people from other fields who are unfamiliar with programming, pseudocode can help explain the mechanics of your algorithm.
  • Pseudocode can be useful as a starting point for your documentation. We all know how annoying poorly written documentation is. Pseudocode can be a good starting point for what the documentation should include.
  • It helps to visualize what you are about to code and can help with bug detection. Since the pseudocode is written in a language you are familiar with (usually English), it is easier to catch and fix any bugs in your code, which can save you a lot of time and effort, and save you a lot of headaches.
Now let's say you want to write a program that asks the user to enter two integers and then prints the sum of those two integers. The flowchart will be:

Then, the pseudocode of the flowchart above will be:

  • Start the program
  • Input the first number and save it in the variable "num1"
  • Input the second number and save it in the variable "num2"
  • Sum both numbers and save the result in the variable "sum"
  • Print the variable "sum"
  • End the program
You now have a good visual of what you are about to create and you are ready to code it.

You can create your own flowchart with your tablet, or using one of this three software (recommended by my Python class teacher last fall):

Happy coding! 😄